Here are some journal prompts to help get started with ideas. These are especially helpful during times of new beginnings or when you need some motivation to begin new things. 1. What do you want less of in your life? 2. What do you feel is your life’s purpose? 3. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of new beginnings? 4. List your current small goals. 5. List your current big goals. 6. What do you want to get done before the next month? 7. List your thought that you think "holds you back" the most. 8. What is something you can do for yourself? 9. What is a way you can express yourself creatively? 10. What relationship needs mending? 11. What is something you feel passionate about? 12. Set your goals on what needs to be done this month. 13. What are you passionate about? 14. What signs have you been noticing in your life? 15. Write down anything you have already achieved. 16. Write a goodbye letter to what is no longer serving you. 17. Say hello t...
Ideas and inspiration for Glue books, Junk Journals, Journaling, and other paper crafts.