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Showing posts from May, 2023

Self- Care Journal Prompts

       Here are some wonderful Journal Prompts for self-care. They can be used in any journal that you would like and you might even make one journal or notebook just devoted to self-care.  How do you define self-care? How are you adding more meaning to your self-care? When do you often get lost in the moment? What activities do you enjoy the most? What daily rituals do you have for self-care?  In what ways have you been gentle with yourself lately? How often do you allow yourself to rest? What quality of sleep do you have on a regular basis? When do you find yourself craving more self-care? Write up to 10 things you consider self-care. What did you do today just for you? What will you do this week that is just for you? How do you feel in the silence? How does the stillness soothe you? Do you enjoy spending time alone? What weekly habits do you have for self-care? What monthly habits do you have for self-care? What special things do you do for self-car...